/static/lasso_data/<pdbid>/<chains>/<pdbid>.pdb_<chains>.pdb.gz | For every protein with links in the LinkProt database it is possible to download a file containing the PDB file. |
/static/lasso_data/<pdbid>/<chains>/<pdbid>.pdb_<chains>.xyz.tar.gz | For every protein with links in the LinkProt database it is possible to download a file containing the 3D coordinates of residues in the chains. |
/links.txt.gz | List all chains with links in LinkProt. Lists only published ones |
/artifacts.txt.gz | List all artifact chains in LinkProt |
/unlinks.txt.gz | List all unlinked chains in LinkProt |
/_all | List all proteins (PDB IDs) in LinkProt |
/allchains.txt.gz | List all proteins chains in LinkProt |
The results page of any search run on LinkProt has a "raw" button which can be used to open a CSV formatted list of results
Example - display CSV formatted list of Non-redundant protein chains with link type Hopf_1 and SS Bonds found at a 30% cutoff
The query can be specified using the following GET parameters
Parameter | Values/Type | Description |
Parameters for searching for links | ||
raw | {0, 1} | if "1" returns results as a "raw" text file instead of a webpage |
linkType | String | Show results for given type of link - please have a look at the Search page to see examples |
fingerprinttags | String | Show results for given type of link shown as fingerprint - please have a look at the bottom of the Search page to see examples |
artifact | {0, 1} | If set to 1 - show results for artifacts |
set | {0, 1} | if 1 returns full list of results, if 0 or empty only for Non-Redundant chains |
ssbond | {0, 1} | If 1 returns links made by covalent bridges (deterministic), if 0 returns links made by closing the chains on a sphere (stochastic) |
cutoff | Integer (1-100) | Filter results by probability cutoff percentage (percentage) for links found with stochastic method |
groupon | {0, 1} | If 1 return results grouped by main type of link (e.g. "Hopf" instead of "Hopf.1" and "Hopf.2") |
molkey | String | return results for the given Molecule Keyword |
moltag | String | return results for the given Molecule Tags |
pfam | String | return results for the given PFAM descriptor |
ec | String | return results for the given EC code |
cath | String | return results for the given CATH topology |
catha | String | return results for the given CATH architecture |
cathc | String | return results for the given CATH class |
caths | String | return results for the given CATH Organism type |
tag | String | return results for the given Tag keyword |